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Birthday Month Extravaganza: Week One Giveaway Lineup

Birthday GraphicMy birthday is in October so I decided that it will be fun to give away one product every day of the month (well almost). My SLP colleague bloggers and TPT sellers thought the same, so they donated many exciting materials and products for me to give away all throughout the month of October.

So every 7 days I will be posting a schedule of giveaway products as a jpeg with embedded pdf file containing links to the blog and product being given away so you’ll have a lead on which giveaway you’d like to enter. You can enter a few or you can enter them all, it’s really up to you!   Each giveaway will last only one day so you better keep up because if you blink you’ll miss it!Birthday Schedule Week 1


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What parents need to know about speech-language assessment of older internationally adopted children

This post is based on Elleseff, T (2013) Changing Trends in International Adoption: Implications for Speech-Language Pathologists. Perspectives on Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders, 3: 45-53

Changing Trends in International Adoption:

In recent years the changing trends in international adoption revealed a shift in international adoption demographics which includes more preschool and school-aged children being sent for adoption vs. infants and toddlers (Selman, 2012a; 2010) as well as a significant increase in special needs adoptions from Eastern European countries as well as from China (Selman, 2010; 2012a). Continue reading What parents need to know about speech-language assessment of older internationally adopted children

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DI or SP: Why it’s important to know who is treating your child in Early Intervention

Recently on the American Speech Language Hearing Association Early Intervention forum there was a discussion about the shift in several states pertaining to provision of language services to children in the early intervention system.  Latest trend seems to be that a developmental interventionists (DI) or early childhood educators are now taking over in providing language intervention services instead of speech language pathologists.

A number of parents reported to SLPs that they were told by select DIs  that “they work on same goals as speech therapists”.  One parent, whose child received speech therapy privately with me and via EI kept referring to a DI’s as an SLP, during our conversation. This really confused me during my coordination of services phone call with the DI, since I was using terminology the DI was unfamiliar with.

Consequently, since a number of parents have asked me about the difference between DIs and SLPs I decided to write a post on this topic.

So what is the difference between DI and an SLP?

DI or a developmental interventionist is an early childhood education teacher.  In order to provide EI services a DI needs to have an undergraduate bachelor’s degree in a related health, human service, or education field. They also need a certificate in Early Childhood Education OR at least six (6) credits in infant or early childhood development and/or special education coursework.

A DI’s job is to create learning activities that promote the child’s acquisition of skills in a variety of developmental areas. DI therapists do not address one specific area of functioning but instead try to promote all skills including: cognition, language and communication, social-emotional functioning and behavior, gross and fine motor skills as well as self-help skills via play based interactions as well as environmental modifications. In other words a DIs are a bit like a jacks of all trades and they focus on a little bit of everything.

SLP or a Speech Language Pathologist is an ancillary health professional. In order to provide EI services, in the state of NJ for example, an SLP needs to have a Masters Degree in Speech Language Pathology or Communication Disorders as well as a State License (and in most cases a certification from ASHA, our national association).

Unlike DIs, pediatric SLPs focus on and have an in-depth specialization in improving children’s communication skills (e.g., speech, language, alternative augmentative communication, etc.). SLPs undergo rigorous training including multiple internships at both undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA) levels as well as complete a clinical fellowship year prior to receiving relevant licenses and certifications. SLPs are also required to obtain a certain number of professional education hours every year after graduation in order to maintain their license and certifications.  Many of them undergo highly specialized trainings and take courses on specialized techniques of speech and language elicitation in order to work with children with severe speech language disorders secondary to a variety of complex medical, neurological and/or genetic diagnoses.

As you can see from the above, even though at first glance it may look like DIs and SLPs do similar work, DIs DON’T have nearly the same level of expertise and training possessed by the SLPs, needed to address TRUE speech-language delays and disorders in children.

What does this all mean to parents?

That depends on why parents/caregivers are seeking early intervention services in the first place. If they are concerned about their child’s speech language development then they definitely want to ensure the following:

  1. The child undergoes a speech language assessment with a qualified speech language pathologist and
  2. If speech language therapy is recommended, the child receives it from a qualified speech language pathologist

So if a professional other than an SLP assesses the child than it cannot be called a speech language assessment.

Similarly, if a related professional (e.g., DI) is providing services, they are NOT providing “speech language therapy” services.

They are also NOT providing the ‘SAME‘ level of services as a speech-language pathologist does.

Consequently, if speech language services are recommended for the child and those recommendations are documented in the child’s Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) then these services MUST be provided by a speech language pathologist, otherwise it is a direct violation of the child’s IFSP under the IDEA: Part C.

So how can parents ensure their child receives appropriate services from the get-go?

  • Find out in advance before the assessment who are the professionals (from which disciplines) coming to evaluate your child
    • If you have requested a speech-language evaluation due to concerns over your child’s speech language abilities and the SLP is not scheduled to assess, find out the reason for it and determine whether that reason makes sense to you
  • Ask questions during the assessment regarding the child’s performance/future recommendations
  • Make sure that an IFSP meeting is scheduled 45 days after the initial referral if the child is found eligible
  • Find out in advance which professionals will be attending your child’s IFSP meeting
  • Find out if any reports will be available to you prior to the meeting
    • If yes, carefully review the assessment report to ensure that you understand and agree with the findings
    • If no, make sure you have an adequate period of time to review all documentation prior to signing it and if need to request time to review reports
  • If an SLP assessed your child but therapy services are not recommended find out the reason for services denial in order to determine whether you have grounds for appeal (child’s delay was not substantial enough to merit services. vs. lack of SLP availability to provide intervention services)
  • If speech-language therapy services are recommended ensure that therapy initiation occurs in a timely manner after the initial IFSP meeting and that all missed sessions (by an SLP) are made-up in a timely manner as well

EI Service Provision in the State of New Jersey: DI vs. SLP 

(from  Service Guidelines for Speech Therapy in Early Intervention)   

The following are the circumstances in which a DI will be assigned to work with the child instead of an SLP (vs. in conjunction with) in the state of NJ (rules are similar in many other states)

  • If a child, under 28 months of age, presents with a “late-talker profile” (pg 27)
  • If child with speech-language delays  also has delayed prelinguistic skills (e.g., joint attention, turn-taking, etc), the DI will work with the child first to establish them  (pg 29)
  • If a child under 28 months has expressive language delay only and has intact cognition, receptive language, and motor skills
  • If the child has a cognitive delay commensurate with a receptive and expressive delay (p 30)
  • If a child has a hearing impairment and no other developmental delays, DI services will be provided while  information is being obtained and medical intervention is being provided (pg 31)

Understanding who is providing services and the rationale behind why these services are being provided is the first important step in quality early intervention service provision for young children with language delays and disorders.  So make sure that you know, who is treating your child!

Useful Resources:

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New Giveaway: Speech Therapy for Apraxia – Words

A little while ago I reviewed “Speech Therapy for Apraxia-WORDS” by Blue Whale Apps. You can Find this post HERE. Similarly to Speech Therapy for Apraxia, the Words version is designed for working on motor planning with children and adults presenting with developmental or acquired apraxia of speech. However, this app focuses on the child producing monosyllabic words vs. individual syllables.

There are 9 different word groups to chose from and the words are categorized according to place of articulation of the phonemes and pattern of articulation within the word.  Similar to the Speech Therapy for Apraxia app,  the goal of WORDS is to gradually increase the levels  of difficulty to improve motor planning for speech.

To recap from the previous post what I like about this app:

  • The word groups are arranged in a hierarchical order of complexitywhich is hugely important.
  • Great for drills of CVC  monosyllabic words with very involved children.
  • Great for introducing new words into the child’s repertoire.
  • Pictures are provided (great for teaching vocabulary)
  • Audio models are provided, which is great for all clients but particularly for very young children.
  • This app is perfect for drills so you can use it in the initial stages of working with children with a variety of speech sound deficits including articulation and phonological disorders.
  • Parents can use this app to practice at home what was taught in therapy.

Please note that the app works on iPad, Android devices and the Nook

The app developer was kind enough to provide me with 3 copies of this app AGAIN to give away to a few lucky contestants so enter my Rafflecopter giveaway for a chance to check out this awesome app for yourself for free.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Improving Social Skills of Language Impaired Children

social kids

Many children on our caseloads have social pragmatic language goals aimed at improving their social emotional functioning in a variety of settings.  In therapy we often target our clients ability to engage in interpersonal negotiations, interpret ambiguous facial expressions, as well as appropriately relate to peers.

However, oftentimes finding appropriate and relevant real-life photos is a challenge for busy clinicians. That is why I created the “Social Pragmatic Language Activity Pack“.

This 30 page social pragmatic photo/question set is intended for children ages 6 and older. It is organized in a hierarchy of complexity ranging from basic social scenarios to more abstract and socially ambiguous situations.  Some photos contain additional short stories with questions that focus on auditory memory, processing, and comprehension.

There are on average 10-20 questions per each photo, and each photo takes up one page.  While some scenarios may be suitable for younger children, most are suitable for children ages 8-9 and older. Select scenarios containing abstract concepts may be suitable only for upper elementary or middle school aged students.   These sets are suitable for both individual therapy sessions as well as group work. Depending on the student’s abilities and extent of deficits, one set (one page) may take up to 30 minutes to complete.

Areas covered by the questions:

  1. Recognizing Emotional Reactions
  2. Explaining Facial Expressions
  3. Making Predictions
  4. Making Inferences (re: people, locations, thoughts, feelings, and actions)
  5. Multiple Interpretations (of actions and settings)
  6. Interpersonal Negotiations
  7. Sympathy/Empathy
  8. Peer Relatedness (Support)
  9. Interpreting Ambiguous Situations
  10. Problem Solving
  11. Determining Solutions
  12. Determining Causes
  13. Determining Perspectives
  14. Social Judgment
  15. Safety Rules

So don’t delay and grab your set today. You can find it HERE in my online store.

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Normal Sequential Bilingual Language Development and Proficiency Attainment

Normal SequentialToday I am excited to introduce another product aimed at explaining one of the aspects of typical bilingual language development. This 31 page introductory material describes typical sequential bilingual language development. It is part of several comprehensive bilingual assessment materials found HERE as a part of a “Multicultural Assessment and Treatment Bundle”  AND  HERE as an individual product entitled “Language Difference vs. Language Disorder: Assessment & Intervention Strategies for SLPs Working with Bilingual Children“.

Learning objectives:
  • —Discuss types of sequential bilingualism
  • —List stages of bilingual language acquisition
  • —Explain the difference between additive and subtractive bilingualism
  • —Review  academic language functions hierarchy
  • —Describe Unified Competition Model
  • —Discuss differences in L2 acquisition in younger and older learners

Presentation Content

  • Sequential Bilingualism
  • Stages of Sequential Language Acquisition
  • Bilingualism categorizations
  • A Note on Subtractive Bilingualism
  • Maintaining L1 while Learning L2
  • Language Proficiency: Terminology
  • Acquisition Time Frames: L2 vs. IA
  • Second Language Acquisition Model
  • What is Academic Language?
  • Academic Language Functions Hierarchy
  • Is there an optimal period for bilingual language acquisition?
  • What is Unified Competition Model
  • Sensitive period for ‘native-like’ L2 acquisition
  • Who learns faster: younger or older children?
  • Let’s talk about younger L2 learners
  • Let’s talk about older learners (before puberty)
  • Let’s talk about older learners (after puberty)
  • Affect of Age on L2 Acquisition
  • Factors influencing success of older learners
  • Conclusion
  • Helpful Smart Speech Therapy Resources
  • References

Would you like a copy? You can find it HERE in my online store.



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Guest Post: Simple Activities to Help Your Child with Language Impairment

If your child has been identified as having a language impairment, there are simple activities you can do at home that facilitate language development. These activities work in conjunction with your child’s formal therapy sessions and the activities he or she may participate in at school, either in the classroom or in an adjunct therapy session.

Such activities have three characteristics:

  • They are fun.

Therapy is almost always more effective for small children if it’s fun. Observe the therapist and note that almost all of the activities during the session are based around something that your child already likes to do.

  • They are part of “ordinary” interactions.

While formal therapy sessions are important, the activities at home don’t need to resemble therapy. Instead, they should be built into the normal course of everyday interactions to facilitate language skills naturally.

  • They build receptive language and vocabulary.

As you help your child develop language at home, the process becomes a natural part of your day together. Instead of being singled out as “language impaired,” your child is a loved and “normal” part of your family, and building his or her language skills becomes something that you do with your child just as you would with anyone. In addition, the interaction as you work together to strengthens your bond as you communicate.

Some simple activities to help your child include:

  • Reading aloud

Every child loves to be read a bedtime story; it’s a special time to snuggle with Mom or Dad and to hear a favorite story, again and again. Children find this repetition comforting; it also helps build both receptive and communicative language because as they learn the familiar words – both what they mean and how to say them – they can repeat them as you read the story together. This is perhaps the most perfect activity to help your child because you can do it every day. In fact, your child will look forward to it and probably even demand that it be done.

  • Telling stories, repeating rhymes, and asking your child to “complete the sentence”

Nursery rhymes and familiar stories are additional fun ways to expose your child to both communicative and receptive language. These activities develop language skills in a playful and non-stressful manner. For example, as your child develops familiarity with a rhyme, story, etc., simply pause at the end of a phrase and have him or her complete it.

  • Singing and listening to songs

Music is a wonderful facilitator of language too, and great to include in activities to help your child with language impairment issues. Spend some time each day singing together or listening to songs while driving, for example.

  • Playing the game, “What comes next?”

The “alphabet song” is a good example of how to play the game, “What comes next?” with your child. Since this song helps most children learn the alphabet, begin by singing the song together, and then as your child learns the alphabet, drop out so he or she sings the next letters alone.

“What comes next?” can also be played with days of the week, months of the year, counting, and more. The beauty of “What comes next?” is its applicability to anything language-based. Customize it to suit your child’s likes and dislikes, and it never gets boring.

  • Providing appropriate language modeling

Among the best activities to help your child is modeling correct language during conversations. Your child will watch, learn, and ultimately respond correctly, with gentle prompting at first.

About the author:

Erica L. Fener, Ph.D., is Vice President, Strategic Growth at Progressus Therapy, a leading provider of school-based therapy and early intervention services.

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In Case You’ve Missed it – Multisensory stimulation: using edibles to enhance learning

Last week one of my posts was a part of Speech Snacks Blogiversary . In case you missed it, read below some of my suggestions on how to creatively use edibles to enhance learning.

There are times when we (speech-language pathologists) encounter certain barriers when working with language impaired children. These may include low motivation, inconsistent knowledge retention, as well as halting or labored progress in therapy. Consequently, we spend countless hours on attempting to enhance the service delivery for our clients. One method that I have found to be highly effective for greater knowledge retention as well as for increasing the kids’ motivation is incorporating multisensory stimulation in speech and language activities. Continue reading In Case You’ve Missed it – Multisensory stimulation: using edibles to enhance learning

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Introduction to the “Need to Know” Disorders in Speech Language Pathology

In a few weeks the school semester will begin and many speech language pathologists will be heading back to school to resume their duties. Seasoned professionals, newly minted clinical fellows, and eager graduate students will embark on assessment and treatment of children with a variety of communication disorders. In the course of the next school year they will encounter, assess, and treat children with a number of diagnoses which result in accompanying speech language deficits. Many of these diagnoses will be familiar, a number will be new, some complex, yet others will be less known or controversial. Continue reading Introduction to the “Need to Know” Disorders in Speech Language Pathology

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Forms for Back to School Assessment Preparation

Back to school time is just around the corner and if your job is anything like mine then you are getting ready to perform a number of speech language screenings and assessments after the kids get back to school in September.  In order to optimize the assessment process I’ve created a number of checklists and forms for my (and your convenience). They allow for quick and efficient determination of whether the preschool/school age monolingual/bilingual student in question requires any speech language services including: screening, assessment, future follow-up, or on-going monitoring. Please note that for bilingual students it is recommended that parents mark whether the child presents with deficits in one language or in both on the checklists (e.g., mark R, E, or B – Russian, English or both).

  • R  difficulty following 3+step directions containing concepts of time or location (before/after/to the left)
  • E  difficulty understanding basic concepts in the classroom
  • B  difficulty responding appropriately to simple questions (who/what/where/when)

Speech Language Assessment Checklist For A Preschool Child is a 9 page guide created to assist speech language pathologists in the decision making process of how to select assessment instruments and prioritize assessment for preschool children 3:00-5:11 years of age. The goal is to eliminate administration of unnecessary or irrelevant tests and focus on the administration of instruments directly targeting the areas of difficulty that the child presents with.

It contains:

  • Page 1 Title
  • Page 2 Directions
  • Pages 3-5 Checklist
  • Pages 6 Suggested Speech-Language Test Selection for Preschool Children
  • Page 7  Select Language Testing Battery Suggestions
  •  Page 8-9 Supplemental Caregiver/Teacher Data Collection Form

Checklist Target Areas:

  1. Receptive Language
  2. Memory, Attention and Sequencing
  3. Expressive Language
  4. Speech
  5. Voice
  6. Resonance
  7. Phonological Awareness
  8. Problem Solving
  9. Pragmatic Language
  10. Social Emotional Development
  11. Executive Functions

Speech Language Assessment Checklist For A School-Aged Child is a 12 page guide created to assist speech language pathologists in the decision making process of how to select assessment instruments and prioritize assessment for school age children. The goal is to eliminate administration of unnecessary or irrelevant tests and focus on the administration of instruments directly targeting the areas of difficulty that the child presents with.

It contains:

  • Page 1 Title
  • Page 2 Directions
  • Pages 3-6 Checklist
  • Pages 7-8 Suggested Speech-Language Test Selection for School-Aged Children
  • Page 9  Select Language Testing Battery Suggestions
  •  Page 10-12 Supplemental Caregiver/Teacher Data Collection Form

Checklist Target Areas:

  1. Receptive Language
  2. Memory, Attention and Sequencing
  3. Expressive Language
  4. Vocabulary
  5. Narrative
  6. Speech
  7. Voice
  8. Resonance
  9. Phonological Awareness
  10. Problem Solving
  11. Pragmatic Language
  12. Social Emotional Development
  13. Executive Functions

Auditory Processing Deficits Checklist for School Aged Children was created to assist speech language pathologists (SLPs) with figuring out whether the student presents with auditory processing deficits which require further follow up (e.g., screening, comprehensive assessment). The SLP should provide this form to both teacher and caregiver/s to fill out to ensure that the deficit areas are consistent across all settings and people.

Checklist Categories:

  • Listening Skills and Short Term Memory
  • Verbal Expression
  • Emergent Reading/Phonological Awareness
  • General Organizational Abilities

  • Social Emotional Functioning
  • Behavior
  • Supplemental* Caregiver/Teacher Data Collection Form
  • Select assessments sensitive to Auditory Processing Deficits

Social Pragmatic Deficits Checklist for School Aged Children was created to assist speech language pathologists (SLPs) with figuring out whether the student presents with social pragmatic language deficits which require further follow up (e.g., assessment). The SLP should provide this form to both teacher and caregiver/s to fill out to ensure that the deficit areas are consistent across all settings and people.

Checklist Categories:

  • Listening/Processing
  • Verbal Expression
  • Problem Solving
  • Pragmatic Language Skills
  • Social Emotional Development
  • Behavior
  • Supplemental* Caregiver/Teacher Data Collection Form
  • Select assessments sensitive to Social Pragmatic Deficits

You can find these products by clicking on the individual links above. You can also find many other educational products relevant to assessment and treatment in speech language pathology in my online store by clicking HERE.

Happy and successful new school year everyone!