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How to Use the Knowledge Acquisition and Transformation (KAT) Framework to Improve Reading and Writing Skills of Struggling Learners

Knowledge Acquisition and Transformation (KAT) framework, developed by Wijekumar and colleagues, involves a systematic approach to teaching students how to comprehend and use text structures to enhance their reading and writing skills. Below is quick review regarding how SLPs can use it in therapy with reading and writing impaired learners.

1. Understanding Text Structures

Teach the Students to Identify the Overall Top-Level Structure of a Text:

o Focus on the four primary text structures: comparison, cause-effect, problem-solution, and cause-problem-solution.

o Use signaling words or discourse markers to aid in identifying the top-level structure.

o Apply these steps to all genres of text, such as expository, narrative, biography, and/or poetry.

2. Introducing Text Structures

Begin by explicitly teaching each text structure. Use the following steps:

  • Define and Explain: Start with a clear definition and explanation of each text structure.
  • Provide Examples: Show students examples of texts that use each structure. Highlight and discuss the organizational patterns and signal words.

3. Teaching the Identification of Text Structures

  • Reading Passages: Provide students with reading passages and ask them to identify the text structures used.
  • Use Top-Level Structures to Answer Multiple-Choice Questions:

o Apply the understanding of text structures to answer questions about the main idea or summary of the text.

  • Answering Inference Questions:

o Integrate the top-level structure, main idea, and prior knowledge to answer inference questions.

  • Developing a Summary:

o Add key details to each part of the main idea statement.

o Focus on the overall text structure and main idea to guide the selection of important details for the summary.

  • Using Graphic Organizers: Use graphic organizers to visually represent each text structure. For example, a cause-and-effect organizer might have boxes connected by arrows to show causal relationships.

Signal Words: Teach students to recognize signal words associated with each text structure. For example, words like “because,” “since,” and “therefore” often indicate a cause-and-effect structure.

Use a Consistent Sentence Stem:

o Based on the overall structure of the text, use sentence stems to generate the main idea statement.

o Example sentence stem: “The problem is ___. The solution(s) is/are ___.”

4. Practicing with Text Structures

  • Guided Practice: Engage students in guided practice activities where they identify and use text structures in reading and writing.
  • Collaborative Learning: Use group activities where students work together to identify and discuss text structures in various texts.

5. Applying Text Structures in Writing

  • Writing Assignments: Assign writing tasks that require students to use specific text structures. For example, ask students to write a cause-and-effect essay on a given topic.
  • Peer Review: Implement peer review sessions where students provide feedback on the use of text structures in each other’s writing.

Example of an Implementation Plan

Week 1-2: Introduction to Text Structures

  • Define and explain each text structure.
  • Provide examples and use graphic organizers.

Week 3-4: Identification Practice

  • Use reading passages for identification practice.
  • Focus on recognizing signal words.

Week 5-6: Writing with Text Structures

  • Assign writing tasks using specific text structures.
  • Conduct peer review sessions.

By following these steps, educators as well as SLPs can effectively implement the Knowledge Acquisition and Transformation (KAT) framework using text structures, thereby enhancing students’ reading comprehension and writing skills.

Select Research Findings

· Studies have shown significant improvement in reading comprehension for students using the KAT framework.

· The approach has been effective for 4th and 5th -grade students, including those at or below the 25th percentile in reading comprehension.

· The KAT framework has also shown success in improving comprehension for Spanish-speaking English learners and in content areas beyond language arts, such as science.


Incorporating text structure-based reading comprehension instruction into both group as well as individual therapy sessions can significantly improve students’ comprehension skills.

Useful Resources:

Select References:

  1. Hudson, A.K., Owens, J.K., Moore, K.A., Lambright, K. & Wijekumar, K. (2021). “What is the Main Idea?”: Using Text Structure as a Framework for Accelerating Strategic Comprehension of Text. Reading Teacher, 75(1), 113.
  2. Meyer, B.J.F., & Wijekumar, K. (2018) Comparative Signaling Words Generated for Expository Texts by 4th – 8th Graders: Variations by Reading Comprehension Levels and Text Structure Strategy Intervention, Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, , 31,9: 1937-1968.
  3. Wijekumar, K., Meyer, B.J.F., Lei, P. (2012). Large-scale randomized controlled trial with 4th graders using intelligent tutoring of the structure strategy to improve nonfiction reading comprehension. Journal of Educational Technology Research and Development. 60, 987-1013.
  4. Wijekumar, K., Meyer, B. J. F., & Lei, P. (2017). Web-based text structure strategy instruction improves seventh graders’ content area reading comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(6), 741-760.
  5. Wijekumar, K., Meyer, B.J.F., Lei, P-W, Hernandez, A., August, D. (2018). Improving content area reading comprehension of Spanish speaking English learners in Grades 4 and 5 using web-based text structure instruction. Read Writ (2018) 31:1969–1996.
  6. Wijekumar, K., Graham, S., Harris, K.R., Lei, P., Barkel, A., Aitken, A., Ray, A., & Houston, J. (2019). The roles of writing knowledge, motivation, strategic behaviors, and skills in predicting elementary students’ persuasive writing from source material. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal.
  7. Wijekumar, K., Beerwinkle, A., McKeown, D., Zhang, S., & Joshi, R. M. (2020). The “gist” of the reading comprehension problem in grades 4 and 5. Dyslexia: An International Journal of Research and Practice
  8. Wijekumar, K., Graham, S., Harris, K.R., Lei, P., Barkel, A., Aitken, A., Ray, A., & Houston, J. (2019). The roles of writing knowledge, motivation, strategic behaviors, and skills in predicting elementary students’ persuasive writing from source material. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal.
  9. Wijekumar, K., Hudson, A.K., Lambright, K.L., Owens, J.K., Binks-Cantrell, E., Beerwinkle, A.L., (2023). Knowledge Acquisition and Transformation (KAT) Using Text Structures. The Reading League Journal.
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Review of Wordtivities by SPELL-Links

Image result for wordtivities"Today I am reviewing a newly released (2019) kit (instructional guide and cards) from the Learning By Design, Inc. entitled Wordtivities: Word Study Instruction for Spelling, Vocabulary, and Reading.

The 101-page instructional guide was created to address the students’ phonological awareness, spelling, reading, vocabulary, and syntax skills by having them engage with sounds, letters, and meanings of words. The lessons in the book can be used by a variety of instructional personnel (teachers, SLPs, reading specialists, etc.) and even parents as a stand-alone word study program or in conjunction with SPELL-Links to Reading & Writing Word Study Curriculum.

The activity book is divided into two sections. The first section offers K-12 student activities for large groups and classrooms. The second section has picture card activities and is intended for 1:1 and small group instruction. Both sections focus on reinforcing 14 SPELL-Links strategies for reading and spelling to stimulate the associations between sounds, letters, and meanings of words. Continue reading Review of Wordtivities by SPELL-Links

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Comprehending Reading Comprehension

Image of three books open on a table with stacks of books in the background.How many parents and professionals have experienced the following scenario? The child in question is reading very fluently (Landi & Ryherd, 2017) but comprehending very little of what s/he is reading.  Attempts at remediation follow (oftentimes without the administration of a comprehensive assessment) with a focus on reading texts and answering text-related questions. However, much to everyone’s dismay the problem persists and worsens over time. The child’s mental health suffers as a result since numerous studies show that reading deficits including dyslexia are associated with depression, anxiety, attention, as well as behavioral problems (Arnold et al., 2005; Knivsberg & Andreassen, 2008; Huc-Chabrolle, et al, 2010; Kempe, Gustafson, & Samuelsson, 2011Boyes, et al, 2016;   Livingston et al, 2018). Continue reading Comprehending Reading Comprehension

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Clinical Assessment of Reading Abilities of Elementary Aged Children

Image result for kid readingSeveral years ago I wrote a post about how to perform clinical reading assessments of adolescent students. Today I am writing a follow-up post with a focus on the clinical reading assessment of elementary-aged students. For this purpose, I often use the books from the Continental Press series entitled: Content Reading for Geography, Social Studies, & Science.   Texts for grades 2-7 of the series are perfect for assessment of struggling elementary-aged readers. Continue reading Clinical Assessment of Reading Abilities of Elementary Aged Children

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But is this the Best Practice Recommendation?

When adopting best practices isn't your best practiceThose of you familiar with my blog, know that a number of my posts take on a form of extended responses to posts and comments on social media which deal with certain questionable speech pathology trends and ongoing issues (e.g., controversial diagnostic labels, questionable recommendations, non-evidence based practices, etc.). So, today, I’d like to talk about sweeping general recommendations as pertaining to literacy interventions. Continue reading But is this the Best Practice Recommendation?

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Editable Report Template and Tutorial for the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy

Today I am introducing my newest report template for the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy.

This 16-page fully editable report template discusses the testing results and includes the following components: Continue reading Editable Report Template and Tutorial for the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy

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Dear Reading Specialist, May I Ask You a Few Questions?

Because the children I assess, often require supplementary reading instruction services, many parents frequently ask me how they can best determine if a reading specialist has the right experience to help their child learn how to read. So today’s blog post describes what type of knowledge reading specialists ought to possess and what type of questions parents (and other professionals) can ask them in order to determine their approaches to treating literacy-related difficulties of struggling learners. Continue reading Dear Reading Specialist, May I Ask You a Few Questions?

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Free Literacy Resources for Parents and Professionals

SLPs are constantly on the lookout for good quality affordable materials in the area of literacy. However, what many clinicians may not realize is that there are massive amounts of FREE evidence-based literacy-related resources available online for their use.  These materials can be easily adapted or implemented as is, by parents, teachers, speech-language pathologists, as well as other literacy-focused professionals (e.g., tutors, etc.).

Below, I have compiled a rather modest list of my preferred resources (including a few articles) for children aged Pre-K-12 grade pertaining to the following literacy-related areas: Continue reading Free Literacy Resources for Parents and Professionals

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Tips on Reducing ‘Summer Learning Loss’ in Children with Language/Literacy Disorders

Related imageThe end of the school year is almost near. Soon many of our clients with language and literacy difficulties will be going on summer vacation and enjoying their time outside of school. However, summer is not all fun and games.  For children with learning needs, this is also a time of “learning loss”, or the loss of academic skills and knowledge over the course of the summer break.  Students diagnosed with language and learning disabilities are at a particularly significant risk of greater learning loss than typically developing students. Continue reading Tips on Reducing ‘Summer Learning Loss’ in Children with Language/Literacy Disorders

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What Should be Driving Our Treatment?

Today  I want to talk treatment.  That thing that we need to plan for as we are doing our assessments.   But are we starting our treatments the right way? The answer may surprise you. I often see SLPs phrasing questions regarding treatment the following way: “I have a student diagnosed with ____ (insert disorder here). What is everyone using (program/app/materials) during therapy sessions to address ___ diagnosis?”

Of course, the answer is never that simple. Just because a child has a diagnosis of a social communication disorder, word-finding deficits, or a reading disability does not automatically indicate to the treating clinician, which ‘cookie cutter’ materials and programs are best suited for the child in question. Only a profile of strengths and needs based on a comprehensive language and literacy testing can address this in an adequate and targeted manner.

To illustrate,  reading intervention is a much debated and controversial topic nowadays. Everywhere you turn there’s a barrage of advice for clinicians and parents regarding which program/approach to use. Barton, Wilson, OG… the well-intentioned advice just keeps on coming. The problem is that without knowing the child’s specific deficit areas, the application of the above approaches is quite frankly … pointless.

There could be endless variations of how deficits manifest in poor readers. Is it aspects of phonological awareness, phonics, morphology, etc. What combination of deficits is preventing the child from becoming a good reader?

Let’s a take a look at an example, below. It’s the CTOPP-2 results of a 7-6-year-old female with a documented history of extensive reading difficulties and a significant family history of reading disabilities in the family.

Results of the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing-2 (CTOPP-2)

Subtests Scaled Scores Percentile Ranks Description
Elision (EL) 7 16 Below Average
Blending Words (BW) 13 84 Above Average
Phoneme Isolation (PI) 6 9 Below Average
Memory for Digits (MD) 8 25 Average
Nonword Repetition (NR) 8 25 Average
Rapid Digit Naming (RD) 10 50 Average
Rapid Letter Naming (RL) 11 63 Average
Blending Nonwords (BN) 8 25 Average
Segmenting Nonwords (SN) 8 25 Average

However, the results of her CTOPP-2 testing clearly indicate that phonological awareness, despite two areas of mild weaknesses, is not really a significant problem for this child.  So let’s look at the student’s reading fluency results.

Reading Fluency: “LG’s reading fluency during this task was judged to be significantly affected by excessive speed, inappropriate pausing, word misreadings, choppy prosody, as well as inefficient word attack skills.  While she was able to limitedly utilize the phonetic spelling of unfamiliar words (e.g., __) provided to her in parenthesis next to the word (which she initially misread as ‘__’), she exhibited limited use of metalinguistic strategies (e.g., pre-scanning sentences to aid text comprehension, self-correcting to ensure that the read words made sense in the context of the sentence, etc.), when reading the provided passage. To illustrate, during the reading of the text, LG was observed to frequently (at least 3 times) lose her place and skip entire lines of text without any attempts at self-correction. At times she was observed to read the same word a number of different ways (e.g., read ‘soup’ as ‘soup’ then as ‘soap’,  ‘roots’ as ‘roofs’ then as ‘roots’, etc.) without attempting to self-correct. LG’s oral reading rate was also observed to be impaired for her age/grade levels. Her prosody was significantly adversely affected due to lack of adequate pausing for punctuation marks (e.g., periods, commas, etc.).  Instead, she paused during text reading only when he could not decode select words in the text.  Though, LG was able to read 70 words per minute, which was judged to be grossly commensurate with grade-level, out of these 70 words she skipped 2 entire lines of text, invented an entire line of text, as well as made 4 decoding errors and 6 inappropriate pauses.”

So now we know that despite quite decent phonological awareness abilities, this student presents with quite poor sound-letter correspondence skills and will definitely benefit from explicit phonics instruction addressing the above deficit areas. But that is only the beginning!   By looking at the analysis of specific misreadings we next need to determine what other literacy areas need to be addressed. For the sake of brevity, I can specify that further analysis of this child reading abilities revealed that reading comprehension, orthographic knowledge, as well as morphological awareness were definitely areas that also required targeted remediation. The assessment also revealed that the child presented with poor spelling and writing abilities, which also needed to be addressed in the context of therapy.

Now, what if I also told you that this child had already been receiving private, Orton-Gillingham reading instruction for a period of  2 years, 1x per week, at the time the above assessment took place? Would you change your mind about the program in question? 

Well, the answer is again not so simple! OG is a fine program, but as you can see from the above example it has definite limitations and is not an exclusive fit for this child, or for any child for that matter. Furthermore, a solidly-trained in literacy clinician DOES NOT need to rely on just one program to address literacy deficits. They simply need solid knowledge of typical and atypical language and literacy development/milestones and know how to create a targeted treatment hierarchy in order to deliver effective intervention services. But for that, they need to first, thoughtfully, construct assessment-based treatment goals by carefully taking into the consideration the child’s strengths and needs.

So let’s stop asking which approach/program we should use and start asking about the child’s profile of strengths and needs in order to create accurate language and literacy goals based on solid evidence and scientifically-guided treatment practices.

Helpful Resources Pertaining to Reading: